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What Is Bracing?
The high brace is used to prevent a kayak from capsizing. It is the most basic and necessary skill for paddling in developed waves. Master this stroke on open water and a kayak roll in many ways becomes unnecessary. We use it as a good skill from which to learn and practice rolls in tandem kayaks.
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Upside Down Re-entry
This is not just a beach party trick, it is also a valid and powerful skill to have in rough and or cold conditions. Should you capsize and find yourself swimming, this skill allows you the quickest method of getting underway again. In survival situations, timely, quick, well executed skills equals safety. This is a fun skill to practice!
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Use Of A Skeg
The kayak skeg is not a rudder. It is not a steering device. It is a trimming device. With a skeg you can add variable amounts of lateral (sideways) resistance to the stern of your boat. That is a good thing, here's why...
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Cross Bow Draw and Rudder
With the kayak in a static position, the cross bow draw is a powerful stroke for pulling the bow upwind. With practice, you'll also find it turns a kayak quickly and in place. So, it's a good stroke in tight quarters. When the kayak is moving, the cross bow rudder moves the front end of the boat powerfully away from potential impacts.
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Dehydration in the Desert: Importance of Water
Why is staying hydrated so important on a kayak tour? Well, it's simple. When you're out on the water, you're exposed to the elements, and the sun can be particularly intense. Combine that with the physical exertion of paddling, and it's easy to become dehydrated if you're not careful. Dehydration can lead to a range of symptoms, from mild discomfort to serious health issues.
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Delicious Dining Destinations Near Willow Beach, AZ
Picture this: You're embarking on an unforgettable Emerald Cave Kayak Tour adventure to Willow Beach, AZ, ready to dive into the natural beauty and serenity of the area. But before you get too lost in the sights and sounds of the great outdoors, you feel the need to fuel up with some delicious grub! Fear not, intrepid explorers, for we've scoured the area for the best places to eat when planning your Willow Beach getaway.
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Mojave Adventure Kayaking LLC